In Loco Parentis and Social Networks

Philosophical Question

Does in loco parentis only exist as a faint concept or idea in the context of the modern American university or are there any legal ramifications related to the practice or non-practice of in loco parentis today?

Purpose Statement

To promote discussion among residence life practitioners, as well as educating staff of effects and legal implications of in loco parentis as it relates to the uses of social media.


Residence Directors (relevant to the training of Resident Advisors)

Why This Issue is Important for Today's R.D.

  • Because Resident Directors live among students and arguably have the most interaction with them per capita
  • Have the most crossover between their roles and in loco parentis
  • How do their jobs (which are community-based) relate to in loco parentis?
  • Where are the boundaries between friend/staff/parent?
  • Also, online relationships (community) are an emerging aspect/issue of college life